We believe in one God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
(Genesis 1:2; Matthew 5:16, 45; 6:1, 4, 8, 9; John 1:1; 4:24; 14:9, 16-20; James 1:17; 2 Peter 1:21)
We believe in God the Father Almighty, Creator of all things visible and invisible.
(Genesis 1:1; Acts 17:24-28; Hebrews 11:3)
We believe in Jesus Christ, God’s one and only Son, our one and only Savior, (John 1:14; 3:16; 1 John 4:9; 2 Peter 3:18) who was born both fully human and fully divine, conceived of the Holy Spirit and the virgin Mary, and lived a sinless life, (Matthew 1:18; 21:11; Luke 1:26-38; John 1:14; 19:19; Romans 5:15-17; Colossians 2:9; 1 John 1:1) who suffered and was crucified, (Luke 23:1-46) who died and was buried, and Who rose again bodily from the dead on the third day, (Luke 23:44 – 24:8; John 20:24-29; 1 Corinthians 15:3-8) who ascended into Heaven and now sits at the right hand of the Father, and (Luke 22:69; Acts 1:1-9; Colossians 3:1) who will return to earth to judge both the living and the dead. (Matthew 24:36-42; John 14:1 -3; Acts 1:10-11; 10:39-42; 1 Peter 4:5)
We believe in the Holy Spirit, who is a personal and active part of the triune God, and (John 16:5-15; Acts 1:7-8; Romans 8:26-27) who indwells every Christian. (1 Corinthians 3:16; 6:19; 2 Timothy 1:14)
We believe in the Bible – God’s Holy Word.
We believe God inspired the original writings of the Scripture, and therefore the Bible is completely trustworthy in all its parts.
(John 14:26; 16:12-15; Acts 1:16; 1 Corinthians 2:12-13; 2 Timothy 3:14-16; 2 Peter 1:20-21)
We accept the Bible as the final authority for all matters of faith and practice.
(Isaiah 40:8; Matthew 5:18; 24:35; Romans 15:4; Hebrews 4:12)
We believe that people created by God willfully sin against God and are consequently lost and without hope apart from Jesus Christ.
(Acts 4:12; Romans 3:23)
We believe that salvation – the forgiveness of sins – cannot be earned but is given to us by God’s grace only through the blood of Jesus Christ.
(Matthew 26:28; Romans 5:1-11; 6:23; Ephesians 2:8-10; Hebrews 10:19-22; 1 Peter 1:18-19; 1 John 1:7)
We believe that we must respond to God in faith, (Ephesians 2:8-9) believing and confessing the truth about Jesus, (Matthew 10:32; Romans 10:9-10) turning away (repenting) from sin, (Acts 2:38; 3:19; 17:30) trusting Jesus as Savior and Lord, (Romans 10:11-13; Philippians 2:11) being baptized (immersed) into Christ, and (Acts 2:38; Romans 6:1-4) following Christ in trust and obedience. (Romans 6:11-23; 12:1- 2)
We believe in the church of Jesus Christ, consisting of all Christians everywhere.
(Matthew 16:13-18; Acts 2:14-47, Ephesians 1:22-23)
We believe in the church’s mission: making disciples of all nations, baptizing them and teaching them to obey all of Jesus’ commands.
(Matthew 18:18-20)
We believe that those who have put their trust in Jesus Christ will spend eternity with him.
(John 3:16; 6:39-40; 11:25-26)
We observe the institution of the Lord's Supper on every Sunday. To this table we neither invite nor debar. We say it is the Table, for all the Lord's children.
(Genesis 1:2; Matthew 5:16, 45; 6:1, 4, 8, 9; John 1:1; 4:24; 14:9, 16-20; James 1:17; 2 Peter 1:21)
We believe in God the Father Almighty, Creator of all things visible and invisible.
(Genesis 1:1; Acts 17:24-28; Hebrews 11:3)
We believe in Jesus Christ, God’s one and only Son, our one and only Savior, (John 1:14; 3:16; 1 John 4:9; 2 Peter 3:18) who was born both fully human and fully divine, conceived of the Holy Spirit and the virgin Mary, and lived a sinless life, (Matthew 1:18; 21:11; Luke 1:26-38; John 1:14; 19:19; Romans 5:15-17; Colossians 2:9; 1 John 1:1) who suffered and was crucified, (Luke 23:1-46) who died and was buried, and Who rose again bodily from the dead on the third day, (Luke 23:44 – 24:8; John 20:24-29; 1 Corinthians 15:3-8) who ascended into Heaven and now sits at the right hand of the Father, and (Luke 22:69; Acts 1:1-9; Colossians 3:1) who will return to earth to judge both the living and the dead. (Matthew 24:36-42; John 14:1 -3; Acts 1:10-11; 10:39-42; 1 Peter 4:5)
We believe in the Holy Spirit, who is a personal and active part of the triune God, and (John 16:5-15; Acts 1:7-8; Romans 8:26-27) who indwells every Christian. (1 Corinthians 3:16; 6:19; 2 Timothy 1:14)
We believe in the Bible – God’s Holy Word.
We believe God inspired the original writings of the Scripture, and therefore the Bible is completely trustworthy in all its parts.
(John 14:26; 16:12-15; Acts 1:16; 1 Corinthians 2:12-13; 2 Timothy 3:14-16; 2 Peter 1:20-21)
We accept the Bible as the final authority for all matters of faith and practice.
(Isaiah 40:8; Matthew 5:18; 24:35; Romans 15:4; Hebrews 4:12)
We believe that people created by God willfully sin against God and are consequently lost and without hope apart from Jesus Christ.
(Acts 4:12; Romans 3:23)
We believe that salvation – the forgiveness of sins – cannot be earned but is given to us by God’s grace only through the blood of Jesus Christ.
(Matthew 26:28; Romans 5:1-11; 6:23; Ephesians 2:8-10; Hebrews 10:19-22; 1 Peter 1:18-19; 1 John 1:7)
We believe that we must respond to God in faith, (Ephesians 2:8-9) believing and confessing the truth about Jesus, (Matthew 10:32; Romans 10:9-10) turning away (repenting) from sin, (Acts 2:38; 3:19; 17:30) trusting Jesus as Savior and Lord, (Romans 10:11-13; Philippians 2:11) being baptized (immersed) into Christ, and (Acts 2:38; Romans 6:1-4) following Christ in trust and obedience. (Romans 6:11-23; 12:1- 2)
We believe in the church of Jesus Christ, consisting of all Christians everywhere.
(Matthew 16:13-18; Acts 2:14-47, Ephesians 1:22-23)
We believe in the church’s mission: making disciples of all nations, baptizing them and teaching them to obey all of Jesus’ commands.
(Matthew 18:18-20)
We believe that those who have put their trust in Jesus Christ will spend eternity with him.
(John 3:16; 6:39-40; 11:25-26)
We observe the institution of the Lord's Supper on every Sunday. To this table we neither invite nor debar. We say it is the Table, for all the Lord's children.